Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is it me?

Caring, interpersonal, sincere and relationship oriented. Know what people want and need. Enthusiastic and having a good sense of humour. Empathetic and warm-hearted, demand affection and approval. Friendly and generous and self sacrificing, can also be sentimental, flattering and people pleasing. Seek to be loved and appreciated by becoming indispensable to another person. Well-meaning and devoted to meeting others' needs. Can be possessive and manipulative, and have many 'selves'.


Optimistic, extrovert, productive, spontaneous, fun-loving type. Symbolized by Peter Pan, the eternal youth. Adventurous, with a gourmet approach to life. Have trouble with commitment, want to keep the options open. Generally happy, playful and stimulating to be around, habit of starting things but not seeing them through, can become over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined and self-serving. Constantly seek new and exciting experiences, and can be impatient and impulsive. Do not let Life's troubles get to; being outspoken and outrageous is part of life. Generous and have the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures.

Both define me perfectly, and times both just seem to be rude, untrue for I shall not say false. Its not that easy picking which one is me. Probably both, as the demand be, and often both. But never none.

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